Tilbakeblikk fra Seriedagene 2022

25. - 29. september







Seriedagene har siden oppstarten posisjonert seg som den viktigste TV-seriefestivalen i Norden. Over 700 fagfolk samles i Oslo til fagdag med sesjoner i tre saler, hvor anerkjente bransjeaktører fra inn- og utland deler av sin kunnskap i masterclasses, panelsamtaler, intervjuer og analyser.

Black, White
Black, White
Black, White
Material property, Font
Black, White
Black, White
Black, White
Black, White
Black, White

Ståle Stein Berg

Ståle Stein Berg is the Head of Development at Maipo Film, the same company that produced his debut as a screenwriter, Jonny Vang, in 2003. Since then, Berg has held various roles in Norwegian film and drama series production, both in creative and administrative capacities. In 2009, he completed his practice-based thesis, equivalent to a PhD, at the Norwegian Film School, where he was awarded professorial competence in 2020. He has served as a commissioner for feature films and drama series at the Norwegian Film Institute, where he also worked as the head of the artistic

evaluation section. Titles with Berg’s signature as a screenwriter include drama series such as Occupied and the Swiss series Bulle, as well as feature films like Kissed by Winter and the Norwegian-German co-production Two Lives

Vision care, Dress shirt, Forehead, Brown, Glasses, Chin, Outerwear, Hairstyle, Eyebrow, Beard

Sesjon | Session

Black, White
Black, White
White, Light, Black, Crescent, Font, Line
Dog, Gesture, Carnivore, Font
Material property, Font

Dansens hus // Ingensteds
25. - 29. september
Fagdag: 28. september

Seriedagene 2023

25. - 29. september

Natural material, Marine invertebrates, Organism, Shell
Natural foods, Goat cheese, Food, Fruit, Ingredient, Plant, Recipe, Tableware
Food, Wood, Cuisine

Seriedagene har siden oppstarten posisjonert seg som den viktigste TV-seriefestivalen i Norden. Over 700 fagfolk samles i Oslo til fagdag med sesjoner i tre saler, hvor anerkjente bransjeaktører fra inn- og utland deler av sin kunnskap i masterclasses, panelsamtaler, intervjuer og analyser.